In her short documentary, film student, Ellie Bickerton-Jones has explored the lack of gender equality within the music industry. The mini-doc featuring interviews with industry professionals; Maya Law, Rhiannon Harris, Maddie Soan, Frankie Soan, GAIL, Nina Courson, Katie Revell and Amy Devine, and explores topics such as sexism and the lack of female representation on festival line-ups. The doc was filmed and created entirely during lockdown in the UK.
On her inspiration behind the documentary Ellie said:
“I’ve been playing the drums for the best part of 5 years now. I’ve never really taken my playing further than a hobby; I was once in a girl band but for a number of reasons that didn’t work out. However, I have always been passionate about the representation of women within the music industry and wanted to be in a girl band to show other girls that it is possible.
On a smaller scale, I’ve experienced under-representation; whilst I was in my drum grade exam, my mum, who was sitting in the waiting room, was asked “Is that your son in there?”.
To get a better understanding of what is really happening in the music industry, I decided to speak to some brilliant women who are all actively engaging in the industry, to hear their opinions on the under-representation of women, sexism and lack of opportunities that make being a woman in the music industry that bit more challenging.”
You can watch the full documentary here: